Sunday, January 6, 2013


Recently, Don & I had the privilege of watching “Beasts of the Southern Wild”.  Suffice it to say I loved it, particularly the voice-over dialogue of the young girl regarding the connectedness of the Universe.   I took away several things from the movie, but here are a couple of them –


            I now call those unexplained fears that pop up from nowhere my “Beasts of the Southern Wild”.


            Whenever those fears/Beasts pop up, I borrow/paraphrase from the scene where little Hush Puppy confronts the Beasts, and I say to my fears/Beasts, “I know you are my friend from who I was before, but I must tend to who I am right now.”


The real take-away is that the Universe is “talking” any way and every way it can.  (You would not believe the lessons gleaned from last night’s 4:00 a.m. Spider Solitaire game!)  It is a wise entity who would have “ears to hear and eyes to see”.

There is so much available for you – let it all in and let it change your world.

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