This morning I had an
epiphany as a result of the confluence of three things:
Contemplation about a documentary called “Kumare”
The phrase:
“Do You”
And, the 4th Agreement, “Always Do
Your Best”
KUMARE: I few days ago I received the following email
from Jo Baner:
“Art and I watched a movie last night called
"Kumare". It's a documentary of a guy that was trying to prove that
anyone can be a guru just by faking it....or something like that.
Anyway, this is the best example of what "living
your Avatar" is all about. I was amazed. Even the guy who did this found
that the outcome was not what he expected. All through the film I was
thinking....."he's living his purpose and he doesn't even realize it
And so, I streamed the
documentary on Netflix and was profoundly affected. In fact, I just let myself float for days
asking to be shown everything there was to know about this. Last night I watched it for the second time,
and again, the light bulbs kept flashing all night.
I may write more about this
in the future, but I wanted you to know about the documentary as it was the
playing field for everything that followed.
At this point, I think I could do a weekend seminar on all that has been
revealed for me.
And yes, it is an excellent
example of living one’s Spiritual model.
DO YOU: For years I have been asked some form of “What
do I do?” It may have been phrased as
wanting to know what kind of meditation, asana, diet, exercise, spiritual
practice or just “What is my mission/purpose in life?” If I tried to respond with “It isn’t what you
do, but how you do it,” or “Just Be” I was most often greeted with blank
In the past few years the
phrase “Do You” has become popular. But,
you see, the trick is which “You” do you “Do”?
Is it the one that was molded by your parents, environment and limited
thought? Or is it the one that is your
true spiritual self?
ALWAYS DO YOUR BEST: For years I have thought I
understood and applied this, the Fourth Agreement (Four Agreements, Don Miguel
Ruiz). And I have taught this in many
informs, including an understanding that some days your best is better than
others. But then this morning, this
phrase turned in to….
And here is where the
confluence of thought happened.
It occurred to me that I have
never heard Spirit say, “Forgive me, but I’m having a bad/off day today and I’m
just not at my best.” Or, “Sorry, I’m doing my best, but I’m just not up to
par, I’ll do better next time.”
Again, the trick is YOU(R)
BEST. And what else could that be but
your Spiritual Self applied at ALL times in ALL things that you DO with no
excuses or expectations of a “day off” from being that BEING that is the truth
of who you are.
Have I, in any way, lowered my expectations of
what my Spiritual Avatar would be like?
Have I, in any way, given myself some “excuses” for “only being human”?
What thought
patterns do I allow in my mind that I would not expect to hear from the Mind of
And finally, here
is the kicker:
realized it is time to draw a line in the Universal sand. On one side stands the Spiritual Aspirant –
one who studies and practices Spiritual expression, and on
the other side stands the Spiritual Being – one who IS Spiritual expression. And
the time, it appears, has now come to decide on which side shall I stand.
so I pose the same question to you.
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