Thursday, June 21, 2012


Of all the Universal Laws, Allowance is the one that should be your focus at this time – for it is the means by which you access all the others.   For example, the Law of Attraction works with or without your participation as does the Law of Balance, etc.  But it is the choices you make within the Law of Allowance that determines your level of participation in all areas of your physical experience in this time/space continuum.

When the Law of Allowance is fully embraced, you realize that everything is according to the perfection that is Divine.  All things express within the confines of Karma, Divine Intent, Balance and Harmony.  This, of course, includes you.  And, if you expect that allowance applies to you, then you must assuredly acknowledge that it applies to all “other” as well.

“But,” says your ego, “there are wrongs that need to be made right.”  “He/she needs to be held accountable.”  “Justice needs to be served.”  “That sucker needs his come-uppance.”  Etc., etc.

Maybe so.  But, IT IS NOT YOUR JOB!  If there is indeed balance, justice, accountability at issue, it belongs to the Office of the Director of Karma.  NOT YOUR JOB.  If it is enlightenment or education that is needed, it belongs to the Office of the Christ.  NOT YOUR JOB.

YOUR JOB is to allow all things to BE, realizing that all things express as a function of vibration.  And every-one and every-thing is exactly where it is supposed to be and expressing exactly how it is meant to be according to the chosen vibration of expression.  If it is appears to be something that you do not wish to experience, be very intentional in choosing the vibration that you DO want to experience.  Simply do not “visit” the other vibration.  (If you don’t want to visit Spain, don’t go there.)

When you are irritated, aggravated, insulted or feel “righteous indignation” by ANYTHING or ANYONE realize that the what you are feeling is resistance to what is and ANY thought other than “it is what is it is” is NOT YOUR JOB.

This should relieve you of a heavy burden – that of “solving” all the so-called ills of the world – and should leave you free to live in joy.

Go forth and be joyous.  DO YOUR JOB!

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